NYC Basketball League | Blog

UES Winter Friday Classes (Ages 5-8)

by NYCBBL on

Remaining Dates (Updated 3/13): 3/17, 4/21, 4/28 + Special NBA Player Clinic (Date TBD)

Time: Fridays 4:00-5:00

Ages: 5-8 years old

Location: The Town School (540 East 76th Street)

Price: $340.00


Our new kid's classes and leagues are conveniently held at locations all over Manhattan and Brooklyn . Different age groupings and time slots in addition to top-tier coaching, competition, and development make our product the best available in NYC. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-17. You can see a full catalog here.


We offer our classes and leagues year round and feature appearances from various NBA players for many unforgettable experiences to be had by your kids. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through camps, classes, and year-round training.




Beyond the classes and leagues we offer at many schools in the city, we have a great relationship with The Barclay's Center that translates into many events at the arena, which is a feature we love to utilize! You can read more about our instructional classes and you canview our schedule of these classes here.




We're excited about all of our locations and options for YOU and we're thrilled to have 100s of participants from many different areas in the city as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the future!


Wishlist Guarantee:

  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

Four Corners – Footwork Drill

by NYCBBL on

Four Corners – Footwork Drill

Four CornersOverview:

This is a great drill for working on jump stops, pivoting, and passing.

It will allow the coach to teach the different kinds of pivots and is a drill the players enjoy doing.


The coach must first create a large square in the half-court by placing four cones an even distance apart. There must also be another cone or D-man in the exact middle of the square. You can see where I recommend placing these cones in the diagram.

Split your team up into four groups and send each group to a cone. The cones will be the starting position for each line.

The person at the front of each line has a basketball.

How it Works:

The first thing the coach must do is tell the players which way they’ll be passing (either right or left) and which kind of pivot they should use.

When the coach calls out ‘go’, each player with a basketball dribbles in towards the middle cone, performs a jump stop a couple of feet away, pivots, and then passes to the next line before joining the end of it.

The next player in the that catches the basketball does not start until the coach has called out ‘go’ again.

Coaching Points:

  • Each player must be pivoting the same direction so that two balls don’t end up being passed to one line. Do make sure to reverse the direction half way through the drill.
  • Use front and reverse pivots and make sure players aren’t traveling.
  • Explain to the players it’s better to jump stop with a small hop. The higher they jump, the more off-balance they’ll be when they land.

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NYC Basketball Kids Mannequin Challenge

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Related Materials

Dribbling Lines – Dribbling Drill

by NYCBBL on

Dribbling Lines – Dribbling Drill

dribble lines 1Overview:

This is a simple drill to teach the basics of dribbling to new players.

It’s a good way to introduce new moves without overwhelming them and will also help to improve the technique of the movements players already know.


Every player has a basketball and lines up on the baseline.

If you have more than 8 players, create two lines on the baseline instead of one.

dribble lines 2

How it Works:

The coach will instruct the players to use different dribbling movements to dribble up to either the half-court line or full court.

Tell them the dribble movement you want to be performed first, and then say ‘go’.

Here are a few that I like to use:

• Right hand up, left hand back
• Crossovers
• Behind-the-back
• Through-the-legs
• Dribble low
• Dribbling backwards

Coaching Points:

  • Players must keep their heads up at all times.
  • Once they develop good technique, focus on the players pushing off with their outside foot when making a move.
  • Write down the dribbling moves so that you don’t forget them. I always do!

Related Materials

Floor Shooting Drill

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Floor Shooting Drill


Purpose - To develop:

  • shooting touch on fingers and pads of hand;

  • smooth shooting motion with shooting arm;

  • follow-through;

  • and positive visualization


This drill will get you to shoot the basketball with a form that is perfect for you. The main emphasis is to get the ball to feel good coming out of your hand. Different people have different shooting forms, but one thing that is common in all great shooters is that the ball feels good coming out of their hands. That’s what this drill is all about.


This drill will do 2 things: get you to shoot with good form; and to make the ball feel good when it comes out of your hand.


Good Form:

It’s easier to practice your perfect form laying down than it is when you are out on the court. When you are out on the court, you have more things to focus on – your foot positioning, your distance from the basket, making sure you are facing the basket, etc. When you lay down to do this drill, you don’t have to worry about all that. You only have to focus on your arm, your hand, and the ball.


When you lay down and shoot the ball into the air, focus on shooting it straight into the air, so the ball goes straight up and comes straight down.


Shooting Touch:

The best thing about this drill is that it’ll help you to get a great shooter’s touch. Great shooters take hundreds of shots every day. Over time, the ball feels comfortable in their hand when they hold it, and it feels good coming out of their hand with each shot. You can get these same effects when you do this drill. The repetition of shooting the ball in the air will get your hand comfortable with the feel of the ball on the pads of your hand and fingers as well as the proper motions of shooting.


The Drill:

basketball shooting drills

The great thing about this drill

is that it can be done anywhere


1. lay down on your back (on the floor, on your bed)

2. hold the ball in a shooting position

3. shoot the ball in the air:

  • extend your arm

  • let your wrist naturally propel the ball up into the air (don't flick your wrist - it should be a natural "floppy" motion)

  • hold your shooting arm straight while the ball is in the air (follow-through)

  • catch the ball with your shooting hand on the pads of your hand and fingers, NOT on your palm, and return to the starting position

  • repeat


basketball shooting

The ball should go straight up

(remember to hold the follow through)


Remember, while you’re doing this drill:

  • keep the ball on the pads of your hand and your fingertips (do not let it sit on your palm)

  • extend your arm fully when you “shoot” (guide the ball straight up)

  • shoot "through" your guide hand (your non-shooting hand) - your guide hand is used just for balance when you are in the set position ready to shoot; it shouldn't have any effect on the rotation or direction of your shot

  • don't flick your wrist to shoot the ball (great shooting is a nice fluid motion; your wrist should naturally flop forward)

  • The last thing that the ball should touch as it leaves your hand is your index finger and your middle finger - this will cause the ball to go straight up and will give it a nice backspin (if the ball has a "weird" spin, then it probably isn't touching your index and middle fingers as it leaves your hand

  • keep your arm extended until the ball comes back down (this will help you to remember to follow through when you are on the court shooting for real)

  • as you do the drill, visualize yourself out on the court shooting baskets. Every time you shoot the ball up in the air, run a mental movie in your head where you see the ball swishing through the net.


Do this drill for at least 5 minutes a day. When you combine it with real shooting practice out on the court, you'll notice a big difference in your touch and stroke in just a few days.


I like to do 3 sets of 30 shots on my bed or floor, but you can start out by just doing 2 or 3 sets of 10 per night. Then gradually build up.


A great way to multiply the effects of this drill is to do this at night before you go to bed. That way, it'll be the last thing you are thinking about and your mind will do it over and over while you sleep.

Related Materials

Perfects – Shooting Drill

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Perfects – Shooting Drill



This is a great drill for players to practice shooting with perfect form and also a for coaches to teach and correct shooting form.


Players form three lines a couple of feet out from the basket. Use both ends of the court if possible so that kids get to take more shots. Every players has a basketball.

How it Works: 

Players then take it in turns shooting with the aim to swish each shot through the net. The swish is important because we’re trying to teach the kids how to shoot with enough arc on the shot.

After a player has taken a shot, they can either return to the end of the same line or rotate lines either clockwise or anticlockwise.

Coaching Points:

  • Players must hold their shooting form until the shot has been made or missed.
  • Coaches must view each players’ shot at different angles. Different angles will show different technique points.
  • You can extend the distance of the shot, but make sure it’s not too far. The purpose of this drill is shooting with perfect form around the basket.

Related Materials

Warriors Vs Nets Holiday Ticket Package

by NYCBBL on

Warriors Holiday Ticket Package

Time: Thursday 12/22 7:30 PM
Location: Barclays Center
Price: $258
What You Get:
1. Two tickets on the 200 Level Corners (Rows 3-8)
2. A free credit that can be used to an NBA Player Clinic anytime in the Fall, Winter, or Spring
3. A $100 Credit you can use towards any Winter Class or League.

When is the latest I can reserve this?
We expect this promotion to sell out quickly. We have a limited number of Face Value seats available from the Nets.
What if I want more than two tickets?
You can purchase additional tickets for $129 each on the holiday package registration form.
Will the Free NBA Player Clinic and the $100 Fall Credit be included with the purchase of additional tickets?
As long as the ticket is purchased for a child than that child will also receive both a pass to a free NBA player clinic and a $100 credit for any fall class or league (limit 1 per child)
How will tickets be sent to me?
The tickets will be emailed to you on December 2nd.
How will the free NBA Player clinic pass and the $100 Fall Credit be sent to me?
The $100 Fall Credit and the NBA Player clinic credit will be sent to you by email within 48 hours of you purchasing the offer.
Where can I learn more about Fall classes and leagues after school and on weekends?
You can see all of our youth classes and leagues here.

More About Our Fall Programs


Our new kid's classes and leagues are conveniently held at locations all over Manhattan and Brooklyn . Different age groupings and time slots in addition to top-tier coaching, competition, and development make our product the best available in NYC. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-17. You can see a full catalog here.


We offer our classes and leagues year round and feature appearances from various NBA players for many unforgettable experiences to be had by your kids. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through camps, classes, and year-round training.




Beyond the classes and leagues we offer at many schools in the city, we have a great relationship with The Barclay's Center that translates into many events at the arena, which is a feature we love to utilize! You can read more about our instructional classes and you canview our schedule of these classes here.




We're excited about all of our locations and options for YOU and we're thrilled to have 100s of participants from many different areas in the city as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the future!

Wishlist Guarantee:


  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

UWS Friday Classes (10-15)

by NYCBBL on

All packages include a special class hosted by an NBA player on Sunday 11/20!

Date: Fridays (9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18)


Ages: 10-15

Location: John Jay College (524 W 59th Street, 4th Floor)

Price: $495


Our new kid's classes and leagues are conveniently held at locations all over Manhattan and Brooklyn . Different age groupings and time slots in addition to top-tier coaching, competition, and development make our product the best available in NYC. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-15. You can see a full catalog here.




We offer our classes and leagues year round and feature appearances from various NBA players for many unforgettable experiences to be had by your kids. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through camps, classes, and year-round training.




Beyond the classes and leagues we offer at many schools in the city, we have a great relationship with The Barclay's Center that translates into many events at the arena, which is a feature we love to utilize! You can read more about our instructional classes and you can view our schedule of these classes here.



We're excited about all of our locations and options for YOU and we're thrilled to have 100s of participants from many different areas in the city as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the future!

Wishlist Guarantee:

  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

UWS Friday Classes (5-9)

by NYCBBL on

All packages include a special class hosted by an NBA player on Sunday 11/20! 

Date: Fridays (9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18)


Ages: 5-8

Location: John Jay College (524 W 59th Street, 4th Floor)

Price: $495


Our new kid's classes and leagues are conveniently held at locations all over Manhattan and Brooklyn . Different age groupings and time slots in addition to top-tier coaching, competition, and development make our product the best available in NYC. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-15. You can see a full catalog here.




We offer our classes and leagues year round and feature appearances from various NBA players for many unforgettable experiences to be had by your kids. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through campsclasses, and year-round training.




Beyond the classes and leagues we offer at many schools in the city, we have a great relationship with The Barclay's Center that translates into many events at the arena, which is a feature we love to utilize! You can read more about our instructional classes and you can view our schedule of these classes here.



We're excited about all of our locations and options for YOU and we're thrilled to have 100s of participants from many different areas in the city as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the future! 

Wishlist Guarantee:

  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

UES Saturday Classes (Ages 12-15)

by NYCBBL on

All packages include a special class hosted by an NBA player on Sunday 11/20! 

Date: Saturdays (9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10,22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12)

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

Ages: 12-15

Location: Saint Vincent Ferrer HS (151 E 65th St, New York, NY 10065)

Price: $495


Our new kid's classes and leagues are conveniently held at locations all over Manhattan and Brooklyn . Different age groupings and time slots in addition to top-tier coaching, competition, and development make our product the best available in NYC. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-15. You can see a full catalog here.




We offer our classes and leagues year round and feature appearances from various NBA players for many unforgettable experiences to be had by your kids. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through campsclasses, and year-round training.




Beyond the classes and leagues we offer at many schools in the city, we have a great relationship with The Barclay's Center that translates into many events at the arena, which is a feature we love to utilize! You can read more about our instructional classes and you can view our schedule of these classes here.



We're excited about all of our locations and options for YOU and we're thrilled to have 100s of participants from many different areas in the city as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the future! 

Wishlist Guarantee:

  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

UES Saturday Classes (Ages 9-11)

by NYCBBL on

All packages include a special class hosted by an NBA player on Sunday 11/20! 

Date: Saturdays (9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10,22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12)


Ages: 9-11

Location: Saint Vincent Ferrer HS (151 E 65th St, New York, NY 10065)

Price: $495


Our new kid's classes and leagues are conveniently held at locations all over Manhattan and Brooklyn . Different age groupings and time slots in addition to top-tier coaching, competition, and development make our product the best available in NYC. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-15. You can see a full catalog here.




We offer our classes and leagues year round and feature appearances from various NBA players for many unforgettable experiences to be had by your kids. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through campsclasses, and year-round training.




Beyond the classes and leagues we offer at many schools in the city, we have a great relationship with The Barclay's Center that translates into many events at the arena, which is a feature we love to utilize! You can read more about our instructional classes and you can view our schedule of these classes here.



We're excited about all of our locations and options for YOU and we're thrilled to have 100s of participants from many different areas in the city as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the future! 

Wishlist Guarantee:

  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

UES Saturday Classes (Ages 5-8)

by NYCBBL on

All packages include a special class hosted by an NBA player on Sunday 11/20! 

Date: Saturdays (9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10,22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12)

Time: 3:00-4:00pm

Ages: 5-8

Location: Saint Vincent Ferrer HS (151 E 65th St, New York, NY 10065)

Price: $495


Our new kid's classes and leagues are conveniently held at locations all over Manhattan and Brooklyn . Different age groupings and time slots in addition to top-tier coaching, competition, and development make our product the best available in NYC. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-15. You can see a full catalog here.




We offer our classes and leagues year round and feature appearances from various NBA players for many unforgettable experiences to be had by your kids. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through campsclasses, and year-round training.




Beyond the classes and leagues we offer at many schools in the city, we have a great relationship with The Barclay's Center that translates into many events at the arena, which is a feature we love to utilize! You can read more about our instructional classes and you can view our schedule of these classes here.



We're excited about all of our locations and options for YOU and we're thrilled to have 100s of participants from many different areas in the city as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the future! 

Wishlist Guarantee:

  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

Kid's Sunday Basketball Winter League

by NYCBBL on

The league includes playoffs to be played in The Barclays Center Practice Court In Brooklyn!

Date: 12/4, 12/11, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, Playoffs: TBA

Time: 10:00-1:00

Ages: 7-15 years old

Location: Sacred Heart (406 East 91st Street)

Price: $375.00


Our Kid's Sunday Basketball League is the #1 way for kids of various ages to work on their game amidst competition and friends! The league runs from Sunday December 4th through Sunday March 12th.


Kids are placed in 3 separate groups (2-4th grade, 5-6th grade, and 7-8th grade) to ensure fair games while keeping the competition high! Each game is 4 v 4 and there is a minimum of 5 players per team with a max of 9. Gametime is four 8-minute quarters running clock (except for crunch time).




Every game comes with next level technology keeping track of stats for each player and a crew of well-trained referees. Teams have the option of bringing their own coach or notifying us and we can assist by assigning one ourselves.






Wishlist Guarantee:

  • You are guaranteed a spot in any camp or class available when you add an event to your Wishlist!

  • To add something to your Wishlist and save your spot, just click the red “Add to Wishlist” button on the bottom of the page or next to any class of camp on our registration pages.

Related Materials

Kyle O'Quinn Camp

by NYCBBL on

Join NYC Basketball Kids and Knicks big man Kyle O’Quinn for our fourth week of summer camps as this NBA difference maker teaches other youngsters what it takes to play the game! Located in the Upper West Side at John Jay College (59th and 10th) from July 11-18, there will be drills, competition, and plenty of smiles throughout. A Queens native, Kyle was a second round draft pick in 2012 out of Norfolk State and joined the Knicks in 2015. Come learn from a local legend what it takes to make it to the next level!


Camp info:

Date: July 11th-15th

Time: 9:00am-4:00pm (Friday 9:00-3:00)

Ages: Boys & Girls 5-17

Location: John Jay College (59th Street & 10th Avenue)

Price: $595 (Multi Week, Sibling, No Friday Discounts & Payment Plans Available; Email for more information)


Click here to sign up!


Related Materials

Lance Thomas Camp

by NYCBBL on


Come join NYC Basketball Kids for our second week of summer camps from June 27th- July 1st with Knicks player Lance Thomas! Lance is a New York native who played his high school basketball in New Jersey and he won a national championship under Coach K at Duke University! He entered the NBA in 2010 and joined the Knicks roster in 2015. Have your kid learn from an NBA veteran in the Upper West Side at John Jay College (59th and 10th). Better experiences and opportunities to learn during a kids summer camp will be hard to find around the city, you don’t want to miss this!

Camp Info:

Date: June 27th - July 1st
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm (Friday 9:00-3:00)
Ages: Boys & Girls 5-17
Location: John Jay College (59th & 10th)
Price: $595 (Multi-Week, Sibling, No Friday Discounts & Payment Plans Available; Email for more information)


Click here to sign up!


Related Materials

Draft Week Camp

by NYCBBL on


Join us from June 20-24 at John Jay College (59th and 10th) in the Upper West Side for NYC Basketball Kids Draftee Week and spend time learning from new NBA draftees in the most exciting time of their lives! This camp will have interactive drills and competition, as well as the opportunity to meet role models which is something you don’t want your kids to miss. We have summer camps going on all summer and this is a great one to start with, on the road to getting your kid ready for the next season.


Camp info:

Date: June 20th-June 24th

Time: 9:00am-4:00pm (Friday 9:00-3:00)

Ages: Boys & Girls, Ages 5-17

Location: John Jay College (59th Street & 10th Avenue)

Price: $595

Price: $495 (When signing up for 4 days)

Discounts: Multi-Week Discount, Sibling Discount, & Payment Plans Available; Email Chris@nycsportsleagues.comfor more information


Click HERE to sign up!


Related Materials

NYC Basketball Kids Jerian Grant Clinic Review

by NYCBBL on



Saturday’s clinic with New York Guard, Jerian Grant, was nothing short of amazing! We had a small group, but every camper there worked hard, listened to the coaches and absolutely learned something.


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As usual, we started the day with some dynamic stretches and warming up led by our Head Coach, Gigi Brown. This is the most important part of every workout. Making sure your body is stretched and ready to be active is the key to Success!


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Push ups! Necessary for building that upper body strength. Stronger upper body= shooting further. Every drill and exercise we do at camp is building towards a particular goal.


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Dribbling drills were next. Stationary and moving. Developing a strong dribble form can be worked on at any age. No matter how good you think you are, there is always somebody out there working on their game and getting better.




We took a quick break from the drills to have a Q & A with Jerian. There were some awesome questions asked by the kids, including “Who were you idols growing up?” “How did you feel in your first game with the Knicks?” “What do you need to work on to become a better player?” Jerian answered everyone of them, Including the question about how many broken ankles he has gotten over the years. Answer: A lot.

View the whole Video HERE


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During the last portion of our clinic, we worked on shooting. Lay ups and jump shots. Worked on the fundamentals of shooting: hand placement, shot form, feet placement and balance. Repetition is key for shooting. Once you understand the correct formula for shooting, practice that formula day and night and you will become a force to be reckoned with.

Thanks again for everybody who joined us on saturday! It was an absolute blast and I can’t wait until our next clinic with Jerian.

Related Materials

4/30 Clinic With NY Point Guard Jerian Grant

by NYCBBL on



We are thrilled to offer a 1 day kids basketball clinic with New York Guard Jerian Grant. Jerian is one of the newest players on New York and looks to be a crucial player for years to come. He will be able to offer an incredible instructional experience along with some of NYC Basketball's best coaches. The clinic will be held from 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM at the Grace Church School at 86 4th Avenue (10th St is the cross Street) in Greenwich Village. Registration is open and you cansign up now on our website.


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Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


Boys and Girls ages 5-17 are welcome to attend this sure to be incredible experience. In addition to going through drills, Shane will be taking pictures and signing autographs. This is a great opportunity to get a once in a lifetime experience while getting to meet our coaches and staff that help to make NYC Basketball Kids a top youth instructional program for kids of all ages.


We have included some FAQs below and you can sign up for the clinic with Shane Larkin here. We look forward to a great Saturday afternoon clinic and to meeting some new kids that can become a part of the NYC Basketball Kids program!


Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


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About Jerian Grant
Attended Notre Dame where he was awarded Big East Conference All-Rookie Team, Second-Team All-Big East, preseason All-ACC Team and received the John R. Wooden Award and the Oscar Robertson Trophy. During his final season he led the Irish to an ACC Tournament Championship and the Elite Eight. Jerian was the 19th overall pick by the Washington Wizards in the 2015 NBA Draft. He currently plays for the NY Knicks and is the son of former NBA player, Harvey Grant.


Jerian Grant Clinic FAQ


When & Where is the Clinic

The clinic is on Saturday, April 30th from 2:00- 4:00 PM at theGrace Church School at 86 4th Avenue (10th St is the cross st) in Greenwich Village. It is in a great neighborhood featuring great restaurants and shopping. We offer the option of staying to watch the clinic or the option of drop off and pick up.


How Do I Sign Up & How Much is It ?

You can sign up for the clinic for $59 on ourclass registration page. Just click the signup button under the Shane Larkin clinic section and then enter your information. You will be able to pay online using any major credit card.


Can Spectators Attend?

Each child can have up to 2 spectators attend the clinic. Due to space constraints we can not have big groups as spectators.


What About Drop Off & Pick Up?

Drop off will begin at 1:45 PM at theGrace Church School at 86th 4th Avenue in Greenwich Village. Pick up will start right after the event at 4:00 PM and we will have staff on hand until 5:30 for anyone who needs late pickup.


Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


Do You Do Other Events with NBA Players?


Yes. We will soon be announcing several events featuring NBA Players. We also offer11 weeks of camp in the summer at John Jay College in Midtown Manhattan from June 20th- Sept 1. Each week will feature an NBA Player. We already haveCJ McCollum, Zach LaVine, Jahlil Okafor, and Kyle O’Quinn. Stay tuned for more announcements on some of the most exciting players in the league coming to do camps and clinics in Manhattan!

Related Materials

NYC Basketball Kids Arron Afflalo Clinic Review

by NYCBBL on



Thank you to everyone who participated and made our Arron Afflalo Camp a success. We could not have done it without you! We hope everyone enjoyed playing and meeting one of the top players on the Knicks in this once in a lifetime experience.



The campers practiced their triple threat stance where they were taught to pivot in order to shoot, dribble, or pass. They focused on being in this strong stance and keeping the ball away from their defender.



They also worked on their dribbling skills and focused on keeping the ball below their waist. To make it more challenging, they were told to say the number that was held up in order to keep them from looking down at the ball.



Arron enjoyed interacting with the kids and coaching to improve young players’ fundamental skills. In addition to running drills, Arron gave a motivational speech in hopes to inspire these young athletes. At the end of camp, he signed autographs and took pictures with the campers. We hope everyone had a good and fun time and look forward to seeing you at other upcoming events!





Check out what other programs you have to offer here!

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4/23 Clinic Brooklyn Net Shane Larkin

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We are thrilled to offer a 1 day kids basketball clinic with Brooklyn Nets Guard Shane Larkin. Shane is one of the top players on the Nets and one of the most respected players in the NBA. He will be able to offer an incredible instructional experience along with some of NYC Basketball's best coaches. The clinic will be held from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM at the Grace Church School at 86 4th Avenue (10th St is the cross Street) in Greenwich Village. Registration is open and you cansign up now on our website.


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Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


Boys and Girls ages 5-17 are welcome to attend this sure to be incredible experience. We will be breaking the kids up in groups based on age and then skill level. In addition to going through drills, Shane will be taking pictures and signing autographs. This is a great opportunity to get a once in a lifetime experience while getting to meet our coaches and staff that help to make NYC Basketball Kids a top youth instructional program for kids of all ages.


We have included some FAQs below and you can sign up for the clinic with Shane Larkin here. We look forward to a great Saturday afternoon clinic and to meeting some new kids that can become a part of the NYC Basketball Kids program!


Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


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About Shane Larkin
A two-time all-state player who set the school record for 320 career steals in high school. Attended the University of Miami and led the team to its first ever Atlantic Coast Conference Championship and continued to the Sweet Sixteen in the 2013 NCAA Tournament. Larkin was also selected as ACC Player of the Year. In 2013 he was the Atlantic Hawks’ 18th pick and since then has played for the Dallas Mavericks, New York Knicks, and currently, the Brooklyn Nets. Larkin averages 7.0 points, 2.1 rebounds, and 4.1 assists per game. He is the son of Baseball Hall of Famer, Barry Larkin. We are extremely excited to have him lead a clinic for NYC Basketball Kids.

Shane Larkin Clinic FAQ


When & Where is the Clinic

The clinic is on Saturday, April 9th from 2:00- 4:00 PM at theGrace Church School at 86 4th Avenue (10th St is the cross st) in Greenwich Village. It is in a great neighborhood featuring great restaurants and shopping. We offer the option of staying to watch the clinic or the option of drop off and pick up.


How Do I Sign Up & How Much is It ?

You can sign up for the clinic for $49 on ourclass registration page. Just click the sign up button under the Shane Larkin clinic section and then enter your information. You will be able to pay online using any major credit card.


Can Spectators Attend?

Each child can have up to 2 spectators attend the clinic. Due to space constraints we can not have big groups as spectators.


What About Drop Off & Pick Up?

Drop off will begin at 1:45 PM at theGrace Church School at 86th 4th Avenue in Greenwich Village. Pick up will start right after the event at 4:45 PM and we will have staff on hand until 5:30 for anyone who needs late pickup.


Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


Do You Do Other Events with NBA Players?

Yes. We will soon be announcing several events featuring NBA Players. We also offer11 weeks of camp in the summer at John Jay College in Midtown Manhattan from June 20th- Sept 1. Each week will feature an NBA Player. We already haveCJ McCollum, Zach LaVine, Jahlil Okafor, and Kyle O’Quinn. Stay tuned for more announcements on some of the most exciting players in the league coming to do camps and clinics in Manhattan!


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Upper West Side Kids Baskeball Programs

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The Upper West Side is really the central location for much of NYC Basketball Kids Program. Eleven 1 week day camps are held each summer at John Jay College on 59th and 10th. These camps are open to boys and girls of all skill levels ages 5-17. You can see a full camp schedule here.


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Throughout the year we also offer multiple 1 day clinics featuring local NBA players or NBA stars from teams outside the city. Our philosophy with these programs is to give kids an unforgettable experience that reinforces the best lessons they learn through camps, classes, and year round training.


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Beyond camps and clinics we offer instructional classes and lessons that are convenient for Upper West Side Residents on a year round basis. Each week we offer Saturday lessons for kids ages 4-14 at Saint Vincent Ferrer HS on 65th & Lex and we plan to add Upper West Side Locations for these classes in September 2016.  You can read more about our instructional classes and you can view our schedule of these classes here.


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We also offer flexible options for private lessons that can be held anywhere on the Upper West Side. Among other locations in the neighborhood, NYC Basketball regularly uses Trevor Day School on 88th and Central Park West.

We're excited about all of our UWS offerings and we're thrilled to have 100s of players from many different schools on the UWS as part of the program. We look forward to adding more local locations and exciting events in the near future.

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4/09 Clinic W Knicks Star Aaron Afflalo

by NYCBBL on



We are thrilled to offer a 1 day kids basketball clinic with New York Knicks Shooting Guard Aaron Afflalo. Aaron is one of the top players on the Knicks and one of the most respected players in the NBA. He will be able to offer an incredible instructional experience along with some of NYC Basketball's best coaches. The clinic will be held from 2:00 PM- 4:45 PM at the Grace Church School at 86 4th Avenue (10th St is the cross St) in Greenwich Village. Registration is open and you can sign up now on our website.




Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


Boys and Girls ages 5-17 are welcome to attend this sure to be incredible experience. In addition to going through drills, Aaron will be taking pictures and signing autographs. This is a great opportunity to get a once in a lifetime experience while getting to meet our coaches and staff that help to make NYC Basketball Kids a top youth instructional program for kids of all ages.


We have included some FAQs below and you can sign up for the clinic with Aaron Afflalo here. We look forward to a great Saturday afternoon clinic and to meeting some new kids that can become a part of the NYC Basketball Kids program!


Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


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About Arron Afflalo

After being a McDonalds All American in High School, Aaron was a 1st team All American at UCLA. He was a the first overall pick of the Detroit Pistons in 2007 and since then Aaron has thrived in a 10 year NBA Career. He is currently the 3rd leading scorer for the NY Knicks. A highly respected veteran, Aaron is a member of the team USA Basketball scout team for Coach Mike Kyrsiewski. We are extremely excited to have him lead a clinic for NYC Basketball Kids.


Arron Afflalo Clinic FAQ


When & Where is the Clinic

The clinic is on Saturday, April 9th from 2:00- 4:45 PM at the Grace Church School at 86 4th Avenue (10th St is the cross st) in Greenwich Village. It is in a great neighborhood featuring great restaurants and shopping. We offer the option of staying to watch the clinic or the option of drop off and pick up.


How Do I Sign Up & How Much is It ?

You can sign up for the clinic for $85 on our class registration page. Just click the sign up button under the Aaron Afflalo clinic section and then enter your information. You will be able to pay online using any major credit card.


Can Spectators Attend?

Each child can have up to 2 spectators attend the clinic. Due to space constraints we can not have big groups as spectators.


What About Drop Off & Pick Up?

Drop off will begin at 1:45 PM at the Grace Church School at 86th 4th Avenue in Greenwich Village. Pick up will start right after the event at 4:45 PM and we will have staff on hand until 5:30 for anyone who needs late pickup.


Sign Up Now. Limited Space Remaining!


Do You Do Other Events with NBA Players?


Yes. We will soon be announcing several events featuring NBA Players. We also offer 11 weeks of camp in the summer at John Jay College in Midtown Manhattan from June 20th- Sept 1. Each week will feature an NBA Player. We already have CJ McCollum, one of the best young players in the league signed up for a camp the second week of August. Stay tuned for more announcements on some of the most exciting players in the league coming to do camps and clinics in Manhattan!

Related Materials

C.J. McCollum Camp!

by NYCBBL on

NYC Basketball Kids is very excited to announce the first annual C.J. McCollum Camp! C.J. McCollum was drafted 10th overall by The Portland Trail Blazers in the 2013 NBA Draft. Since taking over as starting shooting guard this season, C.J. has excelled and averaged 20.9 points, 4.2 assists, & 3.4 rebounds per game. Now he wants YOU to come to his summer camp on August 8th-12th to learn what it takes to be a NBA player! With C.J.’s help, our top-notch coaching staff with work with all campers to raise their game to the next level.

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2015 Winter Stuytown League on "The Courts."

by NYCBBL on

NYC Basketball is excited to announce our 2015 winter Stuytown League on “The Courts.” This league is only open to Stuytown residents and guests. “The Courts” are the Stuytown outdoor basketball courts, which are then covered and heated. The winter season will start on January 11th 2016.  It will be an 11 game season with a guaranteed playoff game. The team fee for the winter season is $1,695 while free agents are $169. The free agent placement game will take place on January 4th, 2016. All placement games will take place during the last week of December. 

Additionally, NYC Basketball will be creating open runs all winter on "The Courts." Open runs will be $4 for league members and $8 for non-league members. Open run participants will also get to utilize our stat and analytics capabilities as NYC Basketball will be providing stats after each run. 

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Play Open Run Basketball at Manhattans Nicest Basketball Courts

by NYCBBL on

We are excited to announce that we are now offering open run basketball on some of New York's nicest basketball courts. We have had countless conversations where members have requested that we offer open runs and we are pleased to be able to meet these requests. All open runs will take place on the premium, private basketball courts that the league is known for. We will also offer periodic open runs at the Barclays Center and hopefully at other famous court locations in the NYC area... You can sign up for our open runs on our website here. We are starting off with a limited number of games but we hope to add more games in the near future. If you have a request for a game in a certain area or an idea for how we can add to our open run offerings for members we'd love to hear from you. 

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